MMU Research Development Blog

Funding opportunities, news and guidance from Research Development at Manchester Met

UK Research and Innovation MRC Funding Opportunities Update

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Dear Colleagues, please see this excellent funding opportunity within the MRC remit. To discuss further please get in touch with the Research Development team at

Molecular and cellular medicine: research grant: responsive mode

Apply for funding to support research projects focused on molecular and cellular medicine. You must be employed at a research organisation eligible to apply for MRC funding. You can involve more than one research group or organisation in the project.

There is no limit to the funding you can apply for, but it should be appropriate to the project. Projects are usually funded up to 80% of your project’s full economic cost.

Projects can last up to five years, but they typically last three to four years.

This is an ongoing funding opportunity. However, the closing date for the next round is 17 September 2024 4:00pm UK time.

More information about the opportunity can be found here.

Please note all applications must go through the Research Development Office and receive full internal approval prior to submission.

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